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Repti-Card Maxibale + Softnest

RCMaxiBaleS  product stars
£32.00 inc. tax

£32.00 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.

Repti-Card Maxibale + Softnest Summary

This pack consists of a Repti-Card Reptile Bedding Maxibale plus 1kg Softnest tissue.

Repti-Card Reptile Bedding - The perfect solution to your substrate needs, perfect for vivariums and snake racks.  Repti-Card Reptile Bedding has proven to be a very popular product with modern reptile keepers, providing excellent value for money and ease of use. It's ability to be more absorbent than most current reptile substrates on the market today leaves Repti-Card Reptile Bedding as a must have substrate.  Repti-Card Reptile Bedding not only is more absorbent than most, it is also much softer, and allows reptiles to burrow.  Repti-Card Reptile Beddingcan handle humidity levels of 75% + with more frequent substrate changes with higher humidity levels being required, despite that Repti-Card Reptile Bedding still provides excellent value for money.

Image by Trevor Grant

Repti-Card Reptile Bedding is used by many reptile keepers in the UK for a variety of reptile species:
  • Corn snake
  • Milk Snake
  • King snake
  • Royal Python
  • Hognose
  • Childrens Python
  • Boa Constrictor
  • Burmese Python
  • Reticulated Python
  • False Water cobra
  • Mangrove Snake
  • And many more!
Repti-Card Reptile Bedding is produced from 100% unused cardboard,  We take great care in Repti-Card Reptile Bedding production by finely shredding into particle sizes of 5mm by 25mm.  The entire process is designed to leave Repti-Card Reptile Bedding soft and comfy for your reptiles by exposing the inside of the corrugated cardboard during production. Once Repti-Card Reptile Bedding has been produced and finely shredded it then goes through a dust extraction process to remove dust particles making Repti-Card Reptile Bedding as dust free as possible.  This entire process is designed to create ease of use and a healthy environment your pets.
Repti-Card Reptile Bedding is extremely absorbent being made from 100% recycled unused corrugated cardboard. Due to the processes used during production this creates a surprisingly soft, springy, warm and absorbent reptile substrate material.

Softnest natural fiber paper Reptile Bedding is  designed to be used with reptiles of all shapes and sizes. Softnest reptile bedding is a highly absorbent & very soft material and makes an excellent product to use in reptile hides, helping the keep moisture levels higher within the hide for as long as possible without re misting. Softnest reptile bedding comes shredded already, but if further shredding is required to get the desired results thenSoftnest is very easy to tear. Softnest reptile bedding can also be used during incubation and has had very good results. Using Softnest reptile bedding in addition to normal incubation mediums, Softnest replaces moss that many reptile keepers use during incubation.

                                Above: Corn Snakes just out of the egg, with softness used during incubation.
                                                              Image sent by LiamRatSnake

All products sold by reptile bedding are non toxic, 100% natural and biodegradabl. As with many other substrates it is recommend the removal of the animal from the enclosure, or use of a secure covering of the substrate, whilst feeding takes place, to prevent your reptile from ingesting the product.

Repti-Card Reptile Bedding is used by a wide range of reptile keepers from new beginners with a single enclosure right up to experienced reptile keepers with multiple enclosures and racking. Repti-Card is very affordable for all reptile keepers compared to more expensive substrates on the market today such as aspen and beech chips..
Repti-Card Reptile Bedding not only offers great value for money, but also looks great in vivariums giving a more natural look to enclosures.

Just look take a look for yourself, Repti-Card Reptile Bedding creates a natural & realistic look to enclosures, providing excellent material for reptiles to burrow.

What more can you expect from Repti-Card Reptile Bedding ?  It is 100% biodegradable and can be disposed of in your compost bins and reused in your garden.  So while you are providing your reptiles with a more pleasurable environment, you are also doing your bit for the environment by recycling Repti-Card Reptile Bedding.

Repti-Card Reptile Bedding is extremely absorbent and excellent at masking odours created by reptiles.

Repti-Card Reptile Bedding Maxibale weighs approximately 15kg and expands to some 220 litres in volume when emptied offering EXCELLENT value for money.
Softnest is shreds of tea bag/tissue type of material. The pack contains approximately
1kg of Softnest.


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